Think about the last time you were forced to make a decision in the face of uncertainty. You may have been choosing which job offer to accept or whether to move from renting to buying a home. You probably weighed the tradeoffs and asked yourself whether it made sense to gather additional information or to…
Solid Machine Learning Model Predicts New HIV Cases Using EHR Data
Incredible new research from Harvard and Kaiser contributed two substantial leaps forward this summer: first in the useful application of machine learning predictions using electronic health records and second in the accurate targeting of people who can benefit the most from HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis. This paper in Lancet HIV by Marcus and colleagues is so good…
Glossary for a Health Tech Company
Here is a list of words I learned in my first 3 months after joining a trendy health tech company in Manhattan. After my past jobs in academics, non-profit, industry, and consulting, I was unprepared for the culture of communication at a tech start-up company. My new workplace was filled with mission-driven millennials, t-shirt wearing software engineers,…
30 Leaders Changing Healthcare
Business Insider listed me as one of the top 30 Leaders Transforming the Future of Healthcare in August 2019. It was an honor to be included alongside so many people I admire. The recognition came with an opportunity to contribute to a series of articles with recommendations and advice from all the leaders. Meet the…
Crash a Hackathon, Crush a Plenary
“What if, instead, we could demonstrate what actually makes things better?” There was Blythe, interloper, uninvited guest. She gave an impassioned speech about how, using de-identified data, we could conduct a natural experiment to determine what actually makes things more equitable.
How to lead a research team from #hackathon to plenary in 6 months
The Flatiron study is proof of principle that real world evidence can be used to examine and inform health policy interventions, said Zafar, who led a discussion of Adamson’s study at the ASCO plenary session.
How to find acute HIV cases in a hot epidemic
One of the most highly infectious time periods in the life of a person with HIV is also when that person is most likely unaware of their HIV status. This is the acute stage. Shortly after infection, the virus explodes with a measurable peak in the number of copies floating around. This feature of the…
NPR interview on racial disparities and Medicaid expansion
Listen to this episode of The Full Story from NPR station WSHU, where I join the conversation for a live interview with Ron Ropiak. Skip straight to the heart of our chat, recorded minutes 29 through 43, in this lively, thought-provoking talk show. Issues in Healthcare Religious exemptions for the measles vaccine, flare-ups of sexually…
Adamson spoke with Matthew Ong, a reporter with The Cancer Letter Before 2019, Blythe Adamson, a senior quantitative scientist at Flatiron Health, had never attended an annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. In the shower, sometime in November 2018, Adamson came up with an idea for future research: “I think we should…
ACA Medicaid expansion eliminated racial disparities in timely cancer treatment
A summary about press coverage of results from a research study from Flatiron Health and Yale, presented at the ASCO 2019 Plenary Session. We learned that Affordable Care Act (ACA) Medicaid expansion was associated with reduction in racial disparity in timely treatment of advanced cancer. Results were reported in the The Washington Post, Wall Street…