Lab coats are being ironed, promo stickers wrapped around candy bars, and strangers pulled off the street to help with utility testing. It’s time for the Business Plan Competition. This University of Washington tradition has awarded more thanĀ $1.4 million in prize money to 154 student companies over the last 20 years. This year we bring an incredible, innovative product that is sure to be competitive.
The OLA Simple Team
OLA Simple strives to be the global leader in point-of-care DNA and RNA testing technology to revolutionize the diagnosis prognosis, and therapy of genetic disorders and conditions.
Wish us luck.
Barry Lutz, PhD, Assoc. Prof. of Bioengineering Advisor with experience commercializing medical devices through 510(k) FDA approval process
Lisa Frenkel, MD Prof. of Virology & Global Health Inventor of the OLA technology with 35+ years of field experience and an extensive collaboration network
Follow us on Twitter @OLAsimpleTest.