Adamson spoke with Matthew Ong, a reporter with The Cancer Letter
Before 2019, Blythe Adamson, a senior quantitative scientist at Flatiron Health, had never attended an annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.
In the shower, sometime in November 2018, Adamson came up with an idea for future research: “I think we should test this hypothesis: Did ACA Medicaid expansion have an impact on racial disparities?”
At a Flatiron hackathon last December, she pitched the idea.
“This is Hackathon 18, and it kicks off on a Wednesday night in December, where they order dumplings for the whole company. So, I got up on stage and pitched this idea to recruit a team—because I knew I couldn’t do it alone.”
Three days later, Adamson and her team produced compelling preliminary results, which would be further developed to demonstrate that black patients with advanced cancer received timely treatment in states with Medicaid expansion, compared to white patients…. continue reading